
Br Francesco Patton appeals on Behalf of the Christians of the Holy Land

In the past year, even in the Holy Land we have been severely tested by the pandemic that has paralyzed the whole world. Despite this situation, we have continued to take care of the Holy Places of our redemption and the small Christian community that still exists and endures here.

At the Holy Sepulchre, in Gethsemane, in Bethlehem, in Nazareth and in the other shrines we have intensified our prayers for the whole world. In the parishes we continue to take care of Arabic, Hebrew and Greek speaking Christians, migrant workers and refugees.

Through our Terra Sancta schools, around 10 thousand children, teenagers and young people are able to benefit from a good education. The charitable commitment has intensified to meet the essential needs of a very tested local population – not only by the pandemic – but also by war, and by the absence of social and health assistance.

All this has a cost that is largely covered by the Good Friday Collection every year. This year, more than ever, we need the generosity of Christians around the world, the generosity of each and every one of you. Please help us again this year, according to your possibilities, according to the generosity of your heart, so that we can continue tohelp those in need. Help us to help others! May the Lord bless and reward each and every one of you. Thank you!

- Christian Media Center


Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada
96 Empress Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario  K1R 7G3

The Offices of the Commissariat are open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Fridays from 8 a.m. to Noon

PHONE: (613) 737-6972

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