It has been the practice throughout the Catholic world that on Good Friday a collection is taken up to support the Church and the people of the Holy Land. Since the 14th century, the care of Catholics and the holy sites has been entrusted by the Holy See to the Franciscan friars who live there.
Cardinal Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, tells us about the difficulties in the Holy Land. In his Good Friday letter to Bishops, he mentions the deserted streets around the Holy Sepulchre and the trials of Christians in Jerusalem. He also reminds us of Pope Francis’s encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” which appeals to our fraternal support of others in the religious, economic, ecological, and political aspects of their lives. And he recalls Pope Francis’s image of the Good Samaritan who is a model of charity and supportive love.
In Canada, the date of this year’s collection, like last year’s, is an exception because of the difficulties created throughout the world by the Covid pandemic.
So that the Canadian Catholic Church might better respond in charity to the needs of the Holy Land, the Executive of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in union with the Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada suggests that dioceses take up the pro Terra Santa collection on Sunday the 12th of September 2021, although Bishops may individually choose to take the collection on Good Friday.
This date of Sunday, September 12, is linked with the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross which was chosen last year by Pope Francis to call to mind Christ’s saving work. The feast also reminds us of St. Helen’s discovery of Christ’s cross and of her building the Holy Sepulchre over Christ’s tomb. At the same time, it recalls, like St. Helen, the sacrifices of people of good will throughout the ages who have contributed to building the Church and supporting the people of the Holy Land.
Because of the difficulties encountered by Christians in the Holy Land, that Church needs our support more than ever. There are many ways to be supportive: learn more about the situation of Christian minorities living there; be in solidarity with them through your prayers; consider making a gift to help them.
Letter from Cardinal Sandri for Pro Terra Sancta collection 2021

at the site of the Baptism of Jesus, October 2019
Click here to see Cardinal Sandri’s letter