On the morning of Saturday 30 November, the Custos of the Holy Land, Fra Francesco Patton, made his traditional entrance into Bethlehem, thus marking the start of the period of Advent.
- Lucia Borgato
The celebrations began in the morning, when the Custos met the representatives of the Latin parish of Jerusalem and the parish priest, Fra Amjad Sabbara, at the diwan of St Saviour’s Convent. This was followed by an exchange of greetings and thanks with the Mukhtar, the representative of the local Christian community and with members of the parish scout group.
First stage: meeting the Christian community of Beit Jala
As tradition has it, on the way from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the Custos stopped at the Orthodox monastery of Mar Elias, where the representatives of the community of Beit Jala, who had come especially to welcome it, were awaiting him.
After the exchange of greetings with the religious and civic authorities of the community of Beit Jala, the processions that was accompanying the Custos continued towards the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. On this occasion, the checkpoint near Rachel’s Tomb was opened to allow the Custos to enter the city.

On foot along Star Street
After entering Bethlehem, the Custos, together with the Vicar, Fra Ibrahim Faltas, continued on foot along Star Street. This year again, in agreement with the Heads of the Churches of Jerusalem, a line of sobriety has been followed in respect for the sufferings caused by the war underway.
However, there was a great participation by the local scout groups, who discreetly escorted the Custos and the Vicar along the whole way.
The arrival of the Custos was welcomed with great joy by the children of the Catholic schools of Bethlehem. At the sides of the road, up to Manger Square, their beaming faces and signs asking for peace created a mood of hope.
When the procession arrived in Manger Square, the local authorities – the mayor, the Governor, the Chief of Police and the military commander – welcomed it and accompanied the Custos to the entrance of the Basilica, where he was also awaited by the representatives of the other Christian Churches (the Greek Orthodox and the Armenians). Welcomed by the Guardian of the Franciscan convent, Fra Enrique Segovia, the Custos entered St Catherine’s church. Here, the parish priest Fra. Rami Asakrieh, greeted all those present followed by a moment of prayer.

Celebration of first vespers: Advent begins
In the afternoon, the recital of the First Vespers officially marked the start of the time of Advent. At the end of the celebration, the Custos, together with the friars and the faithful, took part in the procession towards the Grotto of the Nativity, the heart of the Christian faith, where he took the relic of the Holy Crib of the Child Jesus, given by Pope Francis to the Custody of the Holy Land, in a procession. After having paid homage to the altar of the Magi and the Manger, the Custos lit the first candle of the Advent wreath.
Mass of the first Sunday of Advent
The Custos presided over the Solemn Mass of the first Sunday of Advent in St Catherine’s church on Sunday 1 December. The local community took part joyfully and in a large number in the celebration.
In his homily, the Custos emphasized the importance of prayer to keep Christian hope alive in us in this period of Advent.
“How important this attitude of vigilant and grateful prayer is to be able to keep hope alive, to look up towards Heaven, towards Jesus who is coming, and not lose heart when evil is unleashed like a storm over our lives.” (you can read the text in full here)
Abound in love for one another
The Custos concluded his homily with the same invitation addressed to the faithful present that St Paul had made to the first Christians, namely to increase and abound in love for one another (cf. 1Thess 3,12).
“ Hope drives us to increase and abound in love, both towards the members of our family and our community, and towards everybody.”