
Good Friday Collection 2016

This year, the Papal Collection for the Holy Places will be held on Good Friday, March 25, 2016. Christians living in Holy Land today are descendants to those who first believed and lived the Christian faith. Christians in the Holy Land face special challenges - many of which we hear about in the daily news.

© Marie-Armelle Beaulieu/CTS

“He, who does acts of mercy, let him do them with cheerfulness.” (Rm 12, 8)

Many now find themselves victims of war and persecution. Many have been forced to leave their homes. Yet, it is important that Christians continue to live, work and pray in the Holy land. The Catholic Church, and in particular the Franciscans, provides Christian formation and education, conducts parish ministry, offers housing and food for the poor and welcome pilgrims to the shrines in the Holy Land.

Since the time of St Paul, who urged his missionary Churches not to forget the needs of the Church in Jerusalem, Christians worldwide have understood the responsibility to support the people and the land where Jesus walked and lived. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection offers all Catholics an opportunity to express their solidarity with Christians in the Holy Land.

Gilles Bourdeau, OFM 
Commissary of the Holy Land in Canada


Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada
#208 - 1376 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1H 7Y3

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PHONE: (613) 737-6972

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