
Custody of the Holy Land Summary Report Holy Places 2021/2022

For centuries, the Custody of the Holy Land has been committed to the conservation and revitalization of the Holy Places of Christianity in the Land of Jesus and throughout the Middle East.

Amongst the various objectives of the Franciscan mission, we recall the support and development of the Christian minority who live there, the conservation and enhancement of archaeological areas and sanctuaries, intervention in cases of emergency, the liturgy in places of worship, the apostolic works and assistance to pilgrims. Also for the two-year period 2021/2022, the Franciscan presence in the Holy Land was manifested through the planning, programming and execution of the following projects and works:

  • I. Works aimed at pilgrims.
  • II. Works aimed at benefiting the local community.
  • III. Rhodes
  • IV. Projects in Syria and Lebanon supported by PTS Pro Terra Sancta
  • V. Ordinary salaries of the Custody of the Holy Land

The listed works were created thanks to various types of economic contributions, first of all the Good Friday Collection, then the fund raising activities of the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land (FFHL) and the Pro Terra Sancta association (PTS), but also from other private and institutional donors, as well as from the income from the activities carried out.

Thank God, at the time this report is drafted (January 2023), here in Jerusalem as in the rest of the world, Covid-19 has greatly reduced its destructive potential and its effects no longer impede the movement of people. This is allowing a gradual recovery of the influx of pilgrims, with some economic relief for Christian families and also for the Custody. Thus we can continue the mission entrusted to us knowing that Divine Providence, which has wanted us here, does not cease to take care of us.

Download the 2021/2022 Summary Report below:


Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada
#208 - 1376 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1H 7Y3

The Offices of the Commissariat are open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

PHONE: (613) 737-6972

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