As we approach the Easter Triduum, I come to you, with this packet of information, to ask your parish’s cooperation in helping our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.
I have included a Good Friday poster as a visual reminder of what Christ has done for us and of what the Holy See asks of us. It shows the picture of a jeweled cross and contains the caption “So that in me you may have peace” (Jn 16:33).
Between the cross and the return of Christ, in this time of longing for peace and justice, Christ provides, by the working of His and the Father’s Spirit, his special gift – a peace that strengthens us in the face of all worldly trials. His message is for everyone but, during this time of Christ’s passion, we are particularly sensitive to the situation of the Church and Christians of the Holy Land who are living in an increasingly precarious situation.
Download the poster and flyer in PDF format below: