
Message for Good Friday 2019

Dear Father:

The Pontifical Collection for the benefit of the Holy Places is taken up this year on Good Friday, April 19, 2019. As you are well aware, for the Christians and the Churches in the Holy Land the challenge is building peace day by day. Already in the time of Jesus, the pilgrims who traveled to Jerusalem each year for Passover were singing as they marched: “For the peace of Jerusalem, pray” (Ps 121, 6).

The current context is different. But many challenges remain, as evidenced by the daily headlines of the major press agencies. Behind each major event, there are Christians struggling in a most trying social environment. Christians in the Holy Land represent 2% of the global population, still their presence, discreet as it may be, endures as a sign of hope and peace-building.

Reconciliation is vital when people begin to come together once again, creating meaningful ties in support of groups and communities amenable to profound transformations. To watch over the Holy Places, as the Franciscan Custody is committed to doing, also necessarily translates in the care of people. Neighboring the Holy Places, there is always a small Christian community whose life of faith is in need of support.

The occasion is provided to us to express on Holy days our solidarity with the Christians of the Holy Land. A donation in response to the annual appeal of Pope Francis is a concrete opportunity to engage in a spirit of reciprocity. Thank you for your participation to this gesture of social awareness and solidarity.

Please find enclosed:

- An introduction to present the Collection during the Good Friday Service.

- A thematic notice to be published in the parish leaflet of Palm Sunday, i.e. on April 14, 2019.

- Two posters about the Collection to be posted in your church, as of Palm Sunday.

We thank you for sending the papal collection proceeds to your bishop who, subsequently, will be forwarding to us the entire offering of your diocese. The offering of the catholic faithful of Canada is sent in full each year to the Holy Land.


With gratitude,



Father Gilles Bourdeau, ofm Commissary of the Holy Land in Canada


Commissariat of the Holy Land in Canada
#208 - 1376 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1H 7Y3

The Offices of the Commissariat are open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

PHONE: (613) 737-6972

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